Public Schools

The chronic underfunding of our schools is a critical issue that demands urgent and bold action. It's unacceptable that our current system forces school boards to rely on levies and bonds to fund essential operations and capital investments, perpetuating inequality and instability across districts. We cannot afford to settle for incremental change when it comes to funding our schools. We need visionary leadership and bold policies to ensure that every student has access to a high-quality education, regardless of their zip code or background. Together, we can build a future where every child in Washington State has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

  • Education Funding: Melissa will work to improve education funding in Olympia and move our schools away from inequitable levy and sales-tax based systems.

  • No Vouchers and No Charters: Not one public dollar for private schools.


Melissa is committed to expanding childcare, enhancing workforce education, and improving access to affordable housing and homeownership to boost economic participation and community resilience.

  • Childcare and Education: She'll expand childcare options and access to higher education and vocational training for career advancement.

  • Affordable Housing: Melissa will implement policies to enhance housing affordability and homeownership, particularly addressing historical disparities.

  • Economic Resilience: She'll promote entrepreneurship and support small and minority-owned businesses by providing access to capital and mentorship.


Melissa knows that we must stand up to attacks on abortion rights and will ensure reproductive care is a standard for EVERYONE who needs it. She supports creation of a Medicare for All, single-payer, health insurance program to provide everyone in Washington with comprehensive health care coverage, free at the point of service.

  • Personal and Portable: No networks, no premiums, no deductibles, no copays, no surprise bills.

  • Expand Coverage: Medicare coverage will be expanded and improved to include: include dental, hearing, vision, and home- and community-based long-term care, in-patient and out-patient services, mental health and substance abuse treatment, reproductive and maternity care, prescription drugs, and more.

  • Lower Drug Prices: Stop the pharmaceutical industry from ripping off the American people by making sure that no one in America pays over $200 a year for the medicine they need by capping what Americans pay for prescription drugs under Medicare for All.


Melissa will strengthen building emission standards, increase the tree canopy, and protect public parks. She will champion policies that reduce carbon emissions and promote high-quality, union-represented, low-carbon jobs in green energy, water, and transportation infrastructure. Recognizing that climate change hits hardest among communities with fewer resources, like farmworkers and firefighters facing extreme weather, she is dedicated to transforming our economy through sustainable solutions.

  • Create Green Jobs: Melissa will push for more investments in renewable energy and infrastructure projects that provide secure, union jobs.

  • Economic and Environmental Resilience: She is committed to programs that ensure economic stability and community well-being while combating climate change.

  • Just Transition for Workers: Melissa will advocate for policies that protect employment and healthcare for those affected by industrial shifts, with financial support for mid/late career workers transitioning out of traditional industries.


Making Childcare Affordable and Accessible

Affordable and accessible childcare is essential for working families and the economic well-being of our communities. Melissa is committed to ensuring that every family in Washington has access to quality childcare without financial strain.

Universal Childcare for All: Melissa supports universal childcare programs that provide affordable, high-quality childcare options for all families, regardless of income or immigration status.

Subsidizing Childcare Costs: She will advocate for increased state funding to subsidize childcare costs, particularly for low- and middle-income families, ensuring that no family pays more than a manageable portion of their income on childcare.

Expanding Childcare Facilities: Melissa will work to expand the number of licensed childcare facilities, especially in underserved areas, to meet the growing demand and reduce waiting lists.

Supporting Childcare Workers: She is committed to raising wages and improving working conditions for childcare workers, recognizing their essential role in child development and family support.

Flexible Childcare Solutions: Melissa will promote flexible childcare solutions, such as extended hours and drop-in care, to accommodate the diverse needs of working families.

By addressing these critical issues, Melissa aims to create a safer, more equitable, and prosperous future for all Washingtonians

Public Safety

Melissa is serious about safety. She wants to make sure first responders have the resources they need to do their jobs.

Reimagining Public Safety for All

Public safety is not just about policing; it's about creating environments where everyone feels safe and respected. Melissa is dedicated to reimagining public safety through comprehensive reforms that prioritize community well-being and justice.

Civilianize Traffic Enforcement: Melissa will work to civilianize traffic enforcement, reducing unnecessary police interactions and focusing on community safety.

Unarmed Crisis Responders: She supports diverting non-violent 911 calls to trained, unarmed crisis responders who can address mental health issues, substance abuse, and homelessness with compassion and expertise.

Restorative Justice Programs: Melissa will advocate for the implementation and expansion of restorative justice programs that focus on rehabilitation, reconciliation, and reducing recidivism.

Investing in Mental Health Services: She is committed to increasing funding for mental health services, ensuring that individuals in crisis receive the care they need rather than ending up in the criminal justice system.

Police Accountability and Transparency: Melissa will push for robust police accountability measures, including body cameras, independent oversight, and transparent investigations of misconduct.

Developmental Disabilities

As someone who identifies as neurodiverse with ADD and Autism, Melissa brings a personal understanding and commitment to these issues.

  • Access to Services: Melissa advocates for expanding eligibility and access to services provided by the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), ensuring that more individuals with developmental disabilities receive the support they need. This includes addressing the gaps that leave many people without necessary services due to restrictive eligibility criteria.

  • Inclusive Education: She supports inclusive education policies that provide adequate resources and training for educators to support students with developmental disabilities. This includes smaller class sizes, modernized facilities, and a culturally responsive curriculum that honors and includes the histories and contributions of all communities.

  • Neurodiverse Affirming Care: Melissa’s platform promotes neurodiverse affirming care, recognizing that intellectual disabilities are a normal part of human diversity. She will work to ensure that all public institutions, from schools to social service agencies, are equipped to plan for and support neurodiverse individuals from the start.

  • Employment Opportunities: She’s advocating for programs that provide meaningful employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. This includes supported employment initiatives and partnerships with businesses to create inclusive work environments.

  • Community Inclusion: Melissa’s campaign supports policies that ensure people with developmental disabilities can fully participate in their communities. This includes advocating for barrier-free public spaces, accessible transportation, and community programs that celebrate and include all individuals.

  • Support for Families and Caregivers: Recognizing the vital role families and caregivers play, her platform includes support for respite care, financial assistance, and programs that acknowledge and support the labor of caregivers, many of whom are women and close family members.

  • Combating Ableism: Melissa is committed to raising awareness and combating ableism in all forms. This includes advocating for language and policies that respect and honor the dignity of individuals with developmental disabilities, and ensuring their voices are central in policy-making processes.

Gun Violence Prevention

Reducing Gun Violence and Enhancing Community Safety

Gun violence is a public health crisis that demands comprehensive and proactive measures to protect our communities. Melissa is committed to implementing policies that reduce gun violence, support victims, and foster safer neighborhoods for all Washingtonians.

Universal Background Checks and Closing Loopholes: Melissa will fight to ensure universal background checks for all firearm purchases and close loopholes that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands.

Safe Storage Laws: Melissa advocates for mandatory safe storage laws to prevent accidental shootings and keep firearms out of the hands of children and unauthorized users.

Community-Based Violence Prevention Programs: She will promote and fund community-based violence prevention programs that address the root causes of gun violence and provide support to affected individuals and families.

Red Flag Laws: Melissa supports red flag laws that allow law enforcement and family members to petition for the temporary removal of firearms from individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others.


Build more housing by expediting permitting and improving zoning: houses, condos, and rentals at various prices so our families have choices to stay in our communities as they go through life’s stages.

  • Protect renters from rent gouging by limiting rent increases to the rate of inflation while a home is occupied, allowing property investors to raise rents without limits when vacated.  Stability benefits all of us, including businesses whose employees quit and move when their rents become unaffordable.

  • For the very low income, disabled, and seniors for whom affordable housing won’t be built: Expand the State Housing Trust Funds to build public, non-profit, and subsidized private housing. No one should have to sleep in their car or in a tent, and our communities deserve better.  Tiny houses are one way to create more and safer housing.

Community & Inclusivity

Protecting and Empowering Marginalized Communities

Creating an inclusive and equitable society means actively protecting the rights and well-being of marginalized communities. Melissa is dedicated to advocating for policies that ensure all individuals, regardless of their identity or background, have the opportunity to thrive.

Defending LGBTQIA2s+ Rights: Melissa will vigorously defend the rights of LGBTQIA2s+ individuals, especially within Black, Indigenous, people of color, trans, and youth communities. She opposes any form of discrimination and supports policies that ensure equal rights and protections.

Addressing Systemic Racism: She is committed to dismantling systemic racism in all its forms by promoting policies that address racial disparities in education, healthcare, housing, and employment. Melissa will work to ensure that communities of color have equitable access to resources and opportunities.

Supporting Immigrant Communities: Melissa will advocate for the rights of immigrants and refugees, ensuring they have access to essential services, legal protections, and opportunities for integration and success. She supports pathways to citizenship and opposes unjust immigration policies.

Disability Rights and Accessibility: Recognizing the importance of accessibility and inclusion, Melissa will champion the rights of individuals with disabilities. She will push for policies that ensure barrier-free access to public services, employment opportunities, and community participation.

Economic Justice: Melissa believes in economic justice for all and will work to implement policies that reduce income inequality and support marginalized workers. This includes advocating for a living wage, fair labor practices, and targeted support for minority-owned businesses.

Community-Based Solutions: She supports community-based initiatives that empower marginalized groups, promote social cohesion, and address local needs. Melissa will work to increase funding for programs that provide mentorship, education, and support services within these communities.

Ending Discrimination: Melissa will fight against all forms of discrimination, including those based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and ability. She will support strong anti-discrimination laws and ensure their rigorous enforcement.

More coming soon….